Episode 130 | Fundamentals of Neuroanatomy – With Dr. Hal Blumenfeld

In this episode, we discuss big picture conceptual issues related to functional neuroanatomy, with Dr. Hal Blumenfeld. Specific topics covered include the purpose of the neurological exam, the brain as a distributed network, Korbinian Brodmann’s areas, the hierarchical and topographic organization of the brain, horizontal cell layers of the cortex, lateralization, cortical columns, the corticospinal tract, and the frontal lobes.

Episode 50 | Non-CNS Cancer and Cognition – With Dr. Mike Parsons

The cognitive consequences of non-central nervous system (non-CNS) cancer and cancer-related treatments did not become the subject of scientific investigation until recently and is still a growing area of research. Contemporary studies have made it clear that neuropsychology is an integral part of the evaluation and care of individuals with cancer. Today we talk with Michael Parsons, Ph.D., ABPP-CN, about the evaluation of cognitive change due to cancer and cancer-related treatment, factors that influence cognitive decline in these patients, and how interdisciplinary work can benefit these patients.

Episode 19 | Redefining Alzheimer’s Disease: Does Cognition Matter? – With Dr. Adam Brickman

The estimated annual cost of healthcare for individuals living with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) or other dementias is almost $300 billion. In addition to this financial burden, the number of adults aged 65 or older is projected to double and it is expected an estimated 10 million of these individuals will develop AD by 2050. Despite global efforts to understand and ultimately assess, diagnose, and treat Alzheimer’s disease (AD) more effectively, a consensus definition of AD still does not exist. In 2018, the National Institute of Aging – Alzheimer’s Association (NIA-AA) Research Framework recommended that we should shift the definition of AD from a syndrome (i.e., the cognitive/behavioral symptoms that individuals present with) to a purely biological construct, specifically the presence of βamyloid deposition, pathologic tau, and neurodegeneration (the “A/T/N” model). In this episode, we talk with Dr. Adam Brickman about the NIA-AA Research Framework biological definition of AD, the role of vascular contributions, assumptions about the amyloid hypothesis, and implications of not including the clinical syndrome in the diagnosis of AD.

Episode 20 | The Interplay Between Cerebrovascular Disease and Alzheimer’s Disease – With Dr. Adam Brickman

Adam Brickman, Ph.D., returns to discuss the involvement of white matter disease in Alzheimer’s disease progression and clinical presentation. Dr. Brickman discusses his research on the presence of biomarkers of cerebrovascular disease (e.g., white matter hyperintensities), which are present in aging and Alzheimer’s disease. Although cerebrovascular disease is traditionally associated with its own unique cognitive profile, Dr. Brickman discusses evidence suggesting that the cognitive deficits and underlying etiologies often commingle and complicate our case conceptualization. Additionally, he proposes the integral role that cerebrovascular disease may play in predicting (and possibly initiating) disease progression and cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease.

Episode 88 | Cannabis and Driving – with Dr. Tom Marcotte

We talk about acute effects of cannabis use (THC) on driving performance with Tom Marcotte, a clinical scientist with decades of experience in this area. We cover the acute cognitive effects of cannabis, the time course of the effects of cannabis on driving performance (based on a driving simulator), the relationship between subjective perceptions of driving performance and actual performance, relevant legal and legislative issues related to cannabis and driving, and differences between recreational and medicinal cannabis on cognition and driving.

INS San Diego 2023 Late CE Requests

INS San Diego 2023 Late CE Requests Welcome! This page is for anyone who attended the INS San Diego 2023 Meeting, registered for one or more CE events, but does not yet have one or more CE certificates from the meeting for any of the following reasons: 1. Your attendance was not recorded for some […]

47th Annual Meeting Satz Award Recipient – New York City, New York, USA, February 20-23, 2019

47th Annual Meeting Satz Award RecipientNew York City, New York, USA, February 20-23, 2019 Dr. Jane Holmes Bernstein Dr. Bernstein obtained her PhD in linguistics from the University of Edinburgh in 1973, and from 1974-1975 she completed a NATO/Science Research Council fellowship in aphasia, neurolinguistics, and neuropsychology at the Aphasia Research Center in the Boston […]


Tweet #connectingbrainsworldwide Brain Injury Special Interest Group at the International Neuropsychological Society Co-Chair: Lena Dobson, Ph.D. (Sweden/USA)   Co-Chair: Christine Koterba, Ph.D./ABPP (USA) Co-Chair: Nicholas Ryan, Ph.D. (Australia) Program Chair: Christine Petrovich, Ph.D. (USA) Communications Chair: Kimberly Davis, Ph.D. (USA) Member-at-large: Megan Kramer, Ph.D./ABPP (USA) Student Program Representative: Sandra Glazer, M.S. (USA) Student Communication Representative: […]