INS Committees
The International Neuropsychological Society has several permanent committees that exist to assist the Board of Governors with society operations, as well as ad hoc committees that are formed as needed. INS members are encouraged to become more involved in the Society by serving on INS permanent and ad-hoc committees.
If you are interested in becoming and INS committee member, please view available positions HERE.
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact an INS committee chairperson listed below, or contact to inquire about ad-hoc committee opportunities.

Chair: Christian Salas
The INS Awards Committee was created to recommend current and past INS members to the Board of Governors for the purpose of recognizing outstanding achievement in areas related to neuropsychology and recognizing significant contributions made to the INS.
Conflict of Interest

Chair: Kaitlin Casaletto
Continuing Education

Chair: Benjamin Hampstead
The International Neuropsychological Society is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The International Neuropsychological Society maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

Chair: Sarah MacPherson
The role of the Education Committee is to develop and promote innovative and comprehensive educational programming for neuropsychological science. The resources include the Video Archive, which is a means of providing an oral history of the Society and the profession, including interviews with some of the most influential leaders in the field. We also offer INS Quarterly webinars and oversee the many webinars offered by our Special Interest Groups. Finally, NavNeuro provides podcasts discussing scientific findings in important topic areas, as well as interviewing brain-behavior experts. APA-approved Continuing Education or CE credit(s) can be earned by watching some INS hosted webinars or listening to the NavNeuro podcasts and then passing an online evaluation for the selected webinar/podcast. Our future goals are to continue to improve our INS members’ educational experiences and expand the benefits to our members through our online educational platform.
Committee Members: Pamela Dean, Aparna Dutt, Natalie Grima, Ashok Jansari, Eliane Correa Miotto, Holly Miskey, Travis Wearne

Chair: Ozioma Okonkwo
Global Engagement

The mission of the INS Global Engagement Committee (GEC) is to support the development of neuropsychology throughout the world. Our particular focus is on regions of the world where neuropsychology is less well developed, including low-income and middle-income countries.
Our programs include: the Charles Matthews International Neuropsychological Development Fund which sponsors speakers, meetings, webinars, research, and clinical development in countries where neuropsychology is less well developed; a Research and Editing Consultant Program wherein INS members volunteer to work with colleagues aiming to develop research and publish in English language journals; an International Resources section which will provide information and links to freely available resources that may be useful to colleagues around the world; and a Book and Journal Depository which supports the provision of donated books and journals. Until 2016 we produced a biannual newsletter (INSNET); however, we are now regular contributors to the INS Newsletter.
Membership Engagement

The INS Membership Engagement Committee (MEC) is committed to the growth and retention of INS members through outreach efforts and enhancing member experience by integrating member feedback and showcasing the plentiful benefits of membership. Please visit the Membership Levels and Benefits page for the full list ranging from discounts for on-demand CEs, free electronic access to JINS, and award opportunities. The MEC also oversees the newsletters of the society, the INSNET (published by the GEC), and social media.

Science Committee

The Science Committee was founded in 2015 and oversee multiple areas, including the Special Interest Groups, INS Conference (formerly Travel) Awards, and global advocacy. The Committee works to prioritize and advance knowledge regarding appropriateness, validity, and generalizability of neuropsychology methods across international settings, especially in developing countries. Throughout the years, the Committee has developed, and offered, Conference (formerly Travel) Awards for students in developing countries. Our future goals include expanding global engagement, encouraging international networking, and increase research collaborations.
Committee Members: Lisanne Jenkins, Marianna Kapsetaki, Lenka Kramska, Mohammed Mudarris, Rochele Paz Fonseca, Leigh Schrieff, Leah Whitlow, Dahyun Yi
SIGs (Special Interest Groups)

The INS special interest groups (SIGs) provide a forum for INS members with common interests to come together during INS meetings, for the purpose of sharing recent research, discussing professional issues, and interacting informally. SIG members also engage in various activities between meetings (e.g., list serves, newsletters). Currently, there are thirteen SIGs: The Babies, Toddlers, and Young Children (BITSY) SIG, The Brain Injury SIG, The Cultural SIG, The Dementia SIG, The Epilepsy SIG, The Movement Disorder SIG, The NeuroCovid-19 SIG, The Neuropsychological Intervention SIG, The Oncology SIG, The Social SIG, The Sports Neuropsychology SIG, The TeleNeuropsychology & Digital Technologies SIG, and The Worldwide Initiative for Neuropsychological Data Sharing SIG. Included below are descriptions of each SIG and who to contact if interested! All INS members, including student and trainee members, are welcome to join a SIG. We look forward to hearing from you!
Committee Members: William Barr, Sallie Baxendale, Cady Block, Adam Brickman, Donna Broshek, Lucia Crivelli, Lucette Cysique, Unai Diaz-Orueta, Lena Dobson, Lisa Jacobson, Christine Koterba, Yen Ying Lim, Emilia Łojek, Bernice Marcopulos, Skye McDonald, Luis Medina, Gerhard Müller, Michael W. Parsons, Yakeel Quiroz, Nicholas Ryan, Michele Sadeh, Matthew Staios, Lyn Turkstra
Social Media

The Social Media Committee works to promote and amplify INS and its global membership via social media applications such as Twitter and Facebook. Our mission is to showcase the activities and scholarship of INS and its members, disseminate up to date INS news and announcements, and promote engagement with INS members and social media followers around the world.
Student Liaison Committee


The mission of the INS Student Liaison Committee is to foster the professional development of students of neuropsychological sciences by promoting student contributions to the study of brain-behavioral relationships, addressing the academic and professional needs of students, and encouraging student leadership within the INS. The INS-SLC is a student-run organization which was formed in 2010.
Committee Members: Tahlia Bragg, María José Bracho, Amber Ayton, Lena Etzel, Ivan Campbell, Isabel Manica