Welcome to the Global Engagement Committee
Welcome from the Chair of the INS Global Engagement Committee (GEC), Melissa Lamar, PhD.
I would like to welcome you to the web pages of the INS Global Engagement Committee. I am honored to have been named the Board appointed Chair of this important committee having served as the Deputy Chair of the GEC from 2021 to 2024. Together with the new Deputy Chair, Leigh Schrieff-Brown, PhD of the University of Cape Town, I am pleased to introduce you to the worldwide regional representatives of the GEC (see GEC Members area below), and the work of our many members.
The Mission of the GEC
The mission of the INS Global Engagement Committee (GEC) is to support the development of neuropsychology throughout the world. Our particular focus is on regions of the world where neuropsychology is less well developed, including low-income and middle-income countries.
Our programs include: the Charles Matthews International Neuropsychological Development Fund which sponsors speakers, meetings, and webinars in countries where neuropsychology is less well developed; a Research and Editing Consultant Program wherein INS members volunteer to work with colleagues aiming to develop research and publish in English language journals; an International Resources section which will provide information and links to freely available resources that may be useful to colleagues around the world; and a Book and Journal Depository which supports the provision of donated books and journals. Until 2016 we produced a biannual newsletter (INSNET). Now, we contribute to the INS Newsletter.
We give special thanks to Natalia Ojeda del Pozo and Jon Evans (former Chair) and Alberto Fernandez (Deputy Chair) for their wonderful effort in developing the ILC/GEC over the years. We would not have this committee without their dedication.

GEC Members
Committee Members
GEC Chairs
- Melissa Lamar – Chair
- Leigh Schrieff-Brown – Deputy Chair
GEC Subcommittee Chairs/Program Coordinators
- Mary Beth Spitznagel – Coordinator, Research & Editing Consultant Program
- Skye McDonald – Coordinator, International Resources
- William Seidel – Coordinator, Book & Journal Depository
- Omar Alhassoon – Liason, INS Newsletter
- Anthony Stringer – Coordinator, Chair Justice and Equity (2021 to 2024)
Regional Representatives
- Jean Ikanga – Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Lingani Mbakile-Mahlanza – Botswana
- Leigh Schrieff-Brown – South Africa
- Raymond Chan – China
- Aparna Dutt – India
- Rhalf Jayson F Guanco – Philippines
- Hooi-See Gan – Taiwan
- Nai-Wen Guo – Taiwan
- Parisuth Sumransub – Thailand
- Skye McDonald – Australia
- Amber Ayton – Australia (SLC GEC Representative)
Central America
- Ramiro Coello Cortés – Honduras
Eastern Europe
- Emilia Lojek – Poland
Middle East
- Alia Ammar – UAE
- Miriam Levav – Israel
Nordic Countries
- Taina Nybo – Finland
North America
- Omar Alhassoon – United States
- Mary Beth Spitznagel – United States
South America
- Majo Bracho – Chile (SLC GEC Representative)
- Lucia Braga – Brazil
- Alberto Fernández – Argentina
- Leandro Malloy-Diniz – Brazil
Southern Europe
- Sara Cavaco – Portugal
- Elizabeth Kera – Croatia
- Athanasia Liozidou – Greece
- Natalia Ojeda del Pozo – Spain
Western Europe
- Jon Evans – UK
- Seta Kazandjian – France
- Unai Diaz Orueta – Ireland
Charles G. Matthews International Neuropsychological Development Fund
Chuck Matthews, the 1992 President of INS, was a strong advocate for making INS instrumental in developing neuropsychology throughout the world, especially in low-resource countries. As a result of this passion, the INS instituted the Charles G. Matthews International Neuropsychological Development Fund in his name in 2003. The purpose of this fund is to support Educational and Training activities such as workshops, meetings and webinars in countries where neuropsychology is less well developed/resourced. Funds can be used to sponsor travel expenses for speakers, other meeting expenses or costs associated with running webinars, videoconferences etc.
In 2022, The Charles Matthews International Neuropsychological Development Fund received a donation to expand the actions being covered. The GEC identified the need to support the development of Research and Clinical programs in countries where neuropsychology is less well developed. Therefore, INS now has two additional funds as an extension of the traditional Educational and Training format:
- Clinical for actions related to design of a clinical protocol to evaluate/diagnose, the design of an intervention tool to help patients with neuropsychological deficits, the translation/adaptation of materials not available into the local language, etc.
- Research for actions related to research design, statistical software acquisition, statistical analysis cost, acquisition of tests materials according to the study protocol, abstract submissions to scientific meetings, dissemination of results in scientific journals, etc.
How to Apply for Funding
The deadline for applications is December 16th, 2024. Decisions regarding funding will be communicated to applicants at or after the INS meeting in February 2025.
FAQ – Charles G. Matthews International Neuropsychological Development Fund
Q. The program will take place in the country where neuropsychology is not as well developed as in the US, but the country is in the UPPER-MIDDLE income according to World Bank/UN classification. Would we still be eligible?
A. We don’t exclude applications from any income level but do prioritize low/middle income; thus, while an application from an upper-middle income country is not an exclusion, it must be justified. We should note that an application from predominantly North American applicants or conducted in North America will not be given high priority and justification for submission is warranted.
Q. The funds of this grant will cover ONLY PART of the expenses associated with this project. The rest of the expenses will hopefully be covered by other grants. Is that okay?
A. This is fine; however, the application will need to state how the team plans to cover the rest of the funds. In addition to naming the source of additional funding in the application, the team will – if successful in their Matthews Fund application – need to provide confirmation that all required funds were in place before the Matthews funding would be released.
Q. Is there a template for writing a Matthews Fund proposal?
A. There is no template for a proposal. Please refer to the webpage for the particular funding stream of interest, i.e., Education and Training, Research or Clinical, for details of the sections to be included. We do have a template for the required budget as noted below and on the webpage for the particular funding streams.
Q. We are one paragraph over the 4-page limit, due to the reference list. Will that be acceptable, or should we cut down?
A. Please keep to the application guidelines.
Q. Can someone on the Global Engagement Committee review our proposal after it is written but before we submit it?
A. No, unfortunately that would introduce a conflict of interest at the time of formal review. INS does have a Research and Editing Consultation Program (see https://the-ins.org/global-engagement/#consultant-program); however, it is up to that team to determine if this would fall under the remit of that program.
Q. How much does it cost to become an INS member?
A. Details of how to join INS may be found at https://the-ins.org/join-ins/benefits-of-membership/ There are various levels of membership based on career stage and geographic location.
Q. If me or my team/group already received a Charles Matthews Fund, can we apply for another fund in the future?
A. Yes and no. If you already received an Education and Training grant, you cannot re-apply for the same mechanism. If you would like to apply to a different mechanism and the actions for the proposal are well justified or are a continuation of a proposal previously funded (e.g., based on findings from a Charles Matthews Fund Research proposal you would like to apply for Clinical funds to implement results in a clinical practice setting) you are welcome to apply again.
Q. Can a team or the same INS member simultaneously submit more than one proposal?
A. Yes, if the proposals are for different mechanisms (e.g., one proposal for the Educational and Training program and the other one for the Research program).
Q. I am an INS member and the PI for the application, but do all workshop participants have to be INS members?
A. The application does note that “The PI of the application as well as the faculty invited to speak must be INS members”. While the Committee always like to see strong INS representation, if there are extenuating circumstances or the applicant can justify why all workshop participants are not INS members, it will be considered.
Q. I am applying for the Education and Training grant; can you suggest INS members that might be interested in participating as invited speakers and/or lead pre/post conference workshops?
A. The INS website has many places to look for INS members with particular expertise. These include the list of representatives of the Global Engagement Committee https://the-ins.org/global-engagement/#gec-members, INS Governance pages https://the-ins.org/about-ins/governance/, and the Special Interest Groups list https://the-ins.org/sigs/ are all excellent places to start.
Q. I am an INS member and the PI for the application, but do all study collaborators have to be INS members?
A. The application notes “At a minimum, the PI of the application must be an INS member; ideally, as many others as possible named on the application should also be INS members.” Thus, while all study collaborators do not have to be INS members, the Committee always like to see some INS representation on the team beyond that of the PI of the application; however, it is not required.
Q. The research group is a combination of neuropsychologists from US and non-US countries; is that okay?
A. This is fine as long as the clear focus of the program is within a country where neuropsychology is less well developed.
Q. Although my application is for the Research and not the Education and Training grant, it still has implications for postgraduate teaching and development of specific research methods. Is that okay?
A. Yes. As long as the primary focus is research, and the funds are primarily used to advance a scientific question including methods development.
Q. We have already conducted our experiments and written our manuscripts; however, we require assistance with publication fees. Is this something that the Research Fund could assist with?
A. Unfortunately, this is not under the remit of the mechanisms as written.
2024 Matthews Funding
The Educational Training Awardee
- Name of awardee: Prof Kevin Thomas
- Awardee’s institution/organization: University of Cape Town, South Africa
- Country of awardees: Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Mauritius, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe
- Title of project: The first in-person workshop of core members of The African Neuropsychology Network (ANN)
Abstract: This application is submitted on behalf of the core members of the African Neuropsychology Network (The ANN), an emerging network (initiated on 12 April 2023) led by a set of African neuropsychologists in academia, based at various institutions on the continent. The ANN aims to be the first International Neuropsychological Society (INS) Global Engagement Committee (GEC) network, with a focus on developing neuropsychology in academia across Africa, from within Africa. Progress in the field in this regard across Africa has been slow, with many neuropsychologists working in silos. The ANN aims to foster a culture of connectivity and collaboration in neuropsychology across academic institutions and related educational settings in Africa. The vision of the ANN aligns with the INS aim, and especially that of the GEC, of growing and promoting neuropsychology in areas where it is least developed. Hence, supporting the first in-person workshop for the ANN and supporting its initiation and formal launch, can ultimately be viewed as enabling of the work of the INS.
The Research Funding Awardee
- Name of awardee: Leticia Vivas, PhD
- Awardee’s institution/organization: Basic and Applied Psychology and Technology Institute (IPSIBAT), National Scientific and Technological Research Council (CONICET) and National University of Mar del Plata, Argentina (UNMDP)
- Country of awardee: Argentina
- Title of project: Feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary efficacy study of a web-based cognitive stimulation laboratory for Spanish-speaking individuals with mild cognitive impairment (MCI)
Abstract: The field of gerontechnology (technological tools designed for older adults) has been growing in recent years. Recent experience indicates that the use of new technologies could help maintain cognitive functioning levels or reduce cognitive decline. Also, it can help to bring digital tools for those who cannot attend in person cognitive stimulation activities. With that purpose our research group has been developing a virtual cognitive stimulation laboratory aimed at older adults (labpsi.mdp.edu.ar/ejercicioscognitivos). It is freely accessible and offers more than 80 exercises available to users and professionals. We have redesign it from a user-centered framework to adapt it to the needs of older adults and facilitate its autonomous and independent use. At this stage we worked with individuals without cognitive impairment. In this project, through the implementation of a mixed-method approach, we aim to: 1) study the feasibility and acceptability of the laboratory in a group of older adults with mild cognitive impairment; and 2) conduct a preliminary analysis of its efficacy in cognitive stimulation in a pilot sample.
The Clinical Funding Awardee
- Name of awardee: Mohamed Taiebine, PhD
- Awardee’s institution/organization: EuroMed University of Fez
- Country of awardee: Morocco
- Title of project: The Moroccan Arabic Comprehensive Aphasia Test: Linguistic and psychometric properties
Abstract: Despite the prevalence of acquired language disorders in Morocco, standardized aphasia batteries are currently non-existent in the country. The absence of these measures hinders the reliable screening, assessment, and treatment of aphasia, affecting patients’ quality of life. The Comprehensive Aphasia Test (CAT) is an assessment tool that evaluates the cognitive, linguistic and psychosocial abilities of persons with aphasia. The CAT was adapted to different European languages. However, a Moroccan Arabic (MA) version is not available yet. The objective of this Clinical Development Fund proposal is two-fold: (a) to cross-linguistically/culturally adapt the cognitive screening, language battery and aphasia impact questionnaire (AIQ) components of the English CAT into MA, and (b) to evaluate the psychometric properties of the adapted version. The guidelines of Ivanova and Hallowell (2013) will be followed to adapt the CAT into MA. The MA CAT will be piloted on 40 persons with and without aphasia (20 each) to ensure its appropriateness for testing a Moroccan population and to fix any issues with the stimuli or instructions before testing a larger number of participants. Following the modifications made in the piloting phase, normative data will be collected from a larger sample of typical MA-speaking participants (n = 150) and persons with aphasia (n = 150), stratified by age and level of education. The MA CAT’s psychometric properties will consequently be established. The project will be executed in collaboration with the neurology unit of the University Medical Hospital Hassan II in Fez, Morocco. The output of the project, a standardized comprehensive aphasia battery linguistically and culturally suited to a Moroccan population, will provide an invaluable resource for speech-language pathologists and aphasiologists in the country to screen for the presence of aphasia, assess patients’ strengths and weaknesses, and track changes in language and cognitive recovery over time.
Upcoming Workshops
Recent Matthews Fund Workshops
Next Step of Neuropsychology: Integration of the Traditional - Based Approach to the Technology-Based Approach (Thai Neuropsychology Society) - August 16th-18th, 2023
Next Step of Neuropsychology: Integration of the Traditional – Based Approach to the Technology-Based Approach (Thai Neuropsychology Society) – August 16th-18th, 2023
The 2nd International Neuropsychology Society Conference was organised by Dr Parisuth Sumransub, President of the newly formed Thai Neuropsychology Society, and delegates were welcomed to the event by Supavadee Nuanmanee, President of The Thai Clinical Psychologists Association, and Pongakesem Khaimook, M.D., Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Thai Ministry of Public Health.
The conference focused on traditional approaches to neuropsychological assessment and rehabilitation as well as approaches that draw upon use of new technologies for both assessment and rehabilitation, and how to integrate new technologies with traditional approaches to neuropsychological assessment and rehabilitation.
170 participants attended, including clinical psychologists, physicians/psychiatrists, physiotherapists, communication disorder therapists, occupational therapists, music therapists, teachers/instructors, undergraduate and doctoral students.
Speakers and topics at the conference included:
Day 1
Dr Jon Evans (UK), Cognitive theory and traditional assessment and rehabilitation of memory, attention, executive and visuospatial functions
Day 2
Dr Albert Rizzo (USA) Technology based approaches to cognitive assessment
Dr Pongsatron Paholpak (Thailand) Simultaneous Electroencephalography and Neuroimaging for Functional Neurological Assessment
Dr. Ajay Halai (UK) Cognitive theory and traditional assessment and rehabilitation of language
Day 3
Dr Parisuth Sumransub (Thailand) Technology-Based Cognitive Training and Rehabilitation
Dr Rene Stolwyk (Australia) Teleneuropsychology
Dr. Graham Pluck (Thailand) Integration of traditional – Based Approach to Technology -based Approach for Clinical Practices and Future Directions
Feedback from conference delegates indicated that delegates were very satisfied with the quality of presentations and the organisation of the conference. Delegates indicated that the topics were very relevant to their practice and felt that their knowledge of these important areas improved as a result of attending the conference. Delegates noted that they are keen to learn more about these topics through further seminars and workshops in the future.
Dr Sumransub was supported by many colleagues to run the event including Ms.Jittarat Srivilert, Ms.Thayakorn Kittichai, Mr.Isara Durongkadej, Ms.Pathitta Dujada, Mr.Chollathis Kengkarnrob, Mr.Yuthachai Sarutikriangkri, Mr.Suchart Tangnimitchok, Ms.Thidaporn Manmen and Ms.Poonniphat Pantoe
Strengthening Capacity for Neuropsychological Assessment in the Carribbean (WINDREF) — March 3rd-4th, 2022
Strengthening Capacity for Neuropsychological Assessment in the Carribbean (WINDREF) — March 3rd-4th, 2022
In March of 2022, the Matthews Fund supported a 2-day virtual/in-person hybrid workshop in Grenada, West Indies. The aim of the workshop was to bring together stakeholders in the English-speaking Caribbean who share an interest in strengthening regional capacity for neuropsychological assessment. Attendees spanned the Caribbean from Trinidad to St. Vincent and Jamaica, as well as Europe, Canada, and North America. There were psychologists, social workers, physicians, educators, and non-profit field experts in attendance. The workshop was organized by Roberta Evans, MS, with assistance from Kemi Burgen, MA, both of whom are early career psychologists in the region. It was co-sponsored by the Windward Islands Research and Education Foundation (WINDREF) and St George’s University.
The event opened with a welcome message and acknowledgement of the unique history and ancestries of the region. Day 1 focused on the development of culturally appropriate assessments and interventions, as well as the appreciation of locally relevant risk factors for adverse neuropsychological outcomes. We compared different methodologies for the development of local reference groups and international normative standards. We learned about pertinent local exposures, such as arboviruses and corporal punishment practices, that need to be considered during assessments. We heard from a UNICEF early childhood development specialist about the importance of advancing equity for Caribbean children through quality assessments. We were introduced to efforts that are underway to develop and validate a Caribbean learning and memory scale. Day 1 included helpful step-by-step tutorials on how to measure early childhood development in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), as well as how to apply a regression-based approach to normative sample development.
Day 2 focused on community-based training models and how to grow regional capacity without compromising local culture and values. We learned about the challenges and perils of translating values implicit to Western, Education, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic (WEIRD) cultures to local training and practice models. We learned about the importance of establishing and communicating the purpose and results of assessment in collaboration with community stakeholders, with room for transformation, so that neuropsychology can grow indigenously within the region.
Overall, this workshop brought together a unique combination of experts from various backgrounds, disciplines, and regions to make for a lively and engaging exchange. Attendees provided feedback that it was a “seminal” experience for their work in the region. All workshop events, panels, and lectures were recorded and are now available for INS membership so that others who were not able to attend can still benefit from the unique and valuable discussions that occurred.
Adventist University of the Philippines (AUP) 10th-11th — November 2021
Adventist University of the Philippines (AUP) 10th-11th — November 2021
The Charles Matthews Fund call funded in 2021 two international educational actions, one to take place in the Philippines and one in the Caribbean region. The first of this actions, took place in November 10-11, 2021 as a two-day historical webinar called “Basics of Neuropsychology: A Scientist-Practitioner Model Approach”. The webinar was made possible by a partnership with the International Neuropsychological Society and planned by Dr Rhalf Jayson F. Guanco, assistant professor at Adventist University of the Philippines (AUP) and recipient of the Charles G. Matthews International Neuropsychological Development Fund. The fund’s mission is to assist educational and training initiatives such as workshops, symposia, and webinars in countries with less developed/resourced neuropsychology, such as the Philippines. In this occasion, the fund was established to assist the Adventist University of the Philippines in reaching a broader audience in the Philippines and internationally. It has enabled Dr Rhalf Jayson Guanco and his colleagues, Dr Mylene Gumarao (Chairperson of the AUP Graduate Psychology), Dr Myrtle Orbon (Chairperson of the AUP Undergraduate Psychology), and a competent pool of faculty, Dr Sheryll Ann Castillo, Ms. Cutie Canesares, and Ms. Buensafe Sadicon, under the leadership of the dean of the AUP College of Arts and Humanities Dr Eunice Aclan, to envision a more hopeful future for neuropsychology in the Philippines.
Dr Natalia Ojeda del Pozo, chair of the INS Global Engagement Committee, opened the program with a welcome message, as did Dr Miriam Narbarte, Vice President for Academics at the Adventist University of the Philippines (AUP), on Day 1, and Dr Eunice Aclan, college dean at the AUP College of Arts and Humanities on Day 2. This two-day webinar featured sessions led by two national experts: Dr Rhalf Jayson Guanco, a licensed psychologist and psychometrician who serves as the INS Global Engagement Representative for the Philippines, who discussed “Current Challenges in Neuropsychology Practice,” and Ms. Maria Corazon Fernandez, a clinical psychologist at the Asian Hospital and Medical Center, who discussed “Neuropsychological Assessment: Clinical and Theoretical Foundations.” Additionally, two international experts participated: Dr Tracy Vannorsdal, a clinical neuropsychologist and associate professor in the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine’s Departments of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and Neurology, presented on the topic “Basics of Neuropsychology: Implications for Clinical Practice and Research,” and Dr Rowena Ng, a pediatric neuropsychologist at the Kennedy Krieger Institute and an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, presented on the topic “Principles of Neuropsychological Assessment in Children and Adolescents”.
A total of 638 attendees (psychologists, psychometricians, graduate psychology students, college students, teachers, and post-doctoral trainees in neuropsychology) attended the event. Additionally, participants represent 263 institutions and organizations throughout the Philippines and 10 overseas. The evaluation of the program revealed an overall mean rating of 4.9 out of 5, interpreted as extremely satisfied with the event’s overall impact. A notable outcome of the two-day webinar was the agreement of a number of psychologists and psychometricians in the Philippines to immediately establish a neuropsychology special interest group within the Philippine Psychological Association following the conclusion of the program.
International Workshop in Neuropsychological Assessment and Rehabilitation Amari Don Muang Airport Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, 7th-11th — December 2020
International Workshop in Neuropsychological Assessment and Rehabilitation
Amari Don Muang Airport Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, 7th-11th — December 2020
This five-day Matthews Fund Workshop organised by Dr Parisuth Sumransub, in conjunction with the Thai Clinical Psychology Society, was initially planned for April 2020 but as a result of the Covid -19 pandemic was postponed to December 2020. The format changed from a fully in-person event to a hybrid with local delegates attending in person, but the international faculty recorded lectures and attended remotely each day for an hour of discussion after delegates had viewed the recorded lectures. 75 people attended the workshop, including clinical psychologists, general psychologists, neurologists, psychiatrists, lecturers, physiologists, university students and traditional Chinese physicians. The international faculty were Professor Barbara Wilson and Professor Jonathan Evans. The local faculty were Dr Sekh Thanprasertsuk, Dr Chaipat Chunharas, and Dr Parisuth Sumransub.
Mar del Plata, Argentina, 7th-11th — March 2019
Mar del Plata, Argentina, 7th-11th — March 2019
This workshop on Neuropsychological Assessment was organised by Dr Leticia Vivas (National University of Mar del Plata). The international speaker was Dr Bernice A. Marcopulos (USA). Other speakers from Argentina included Dr Leticia Vivas, Dr Macarena MartC-nez CuitiC1o,Laura Manoiloff, and Dr Ana ComesaC1a. Activities included a workshop for 50 participants and a lecture on forensic neuropsychology attended by 130 participants. These took place at the National University of Mar del Plata. There was also a lecture on the Neuropsychology of neuropsychiatric disorders attended by 196 participants at the auditorium of the Catholic University of CC3rdoba (UCC).
Institute of Psychology, Vilnius University, 11th-12th — October 2019
Institute of Psychology, Vilnius University, 11th-12th — October 2019
A workshop entitled, Implementation of Studies in (Clinical) Neuropsychology in Lithuania, organised by Prof Albinas Bogdanas from the Laboratory of Applied Psychology at the Institute of Psychology, Vilnius University took place on October 11-12, 2019. Around 50 people attended, including university teachers, students, psychologists working in different health institutions, neurologists and neurobiologists. Four international speakers (Erik Hessen, Katherine Carpenter, Linas Bieliauskas and Emilia Lojek) gave presentations on the structure of clinical neuropsychology training in Nordic countries, the UK, the USA and Poland. Nine Lithuanian speakers (Albinas Bogdanis; Ramune Dirvanskiene; Ausra Daugirdien?; Aiste Pranckeviciene; Osvaldas Ruksenas; AuE!ra Saudargiene; Rytis Stanik?nas; Vaiva Sutnikiene and Liuda Sinkariova) described the current situation on the development of neurosciences in Lithuania. Current challenges in relation to clinical work, education and training in neuropsychology in Lithuania were discussed. A key outcome from the workshop was that immediately after the end of Workshop a group of 13 psychologists and neurologists created the Group of Neuropsychology as a Division of the Lithuanian Psychological Association. In addition there are plans to establish further training in neuropsychology at Vilnius University.
Kolkata, India, 19th-25th — February 2017
Kolkata, India, 19th-25th — February 2017
This workshop on Neuropsychological Rehabilitation was organised by Dr Aparna Dutt, Dr Anirban Dutt and their colleagues from the Duttanagar Mental Health Centre. The workshop ran over a period of six days, with an additional pre-workshop study day on Single Case Experimental Design methodology. The international speakers at the workshop included Prof Barbara Wilson (UK), Prof Jonathan Evans (UK), Prof Robyn Tate (Australia), Dr Michael Perdices (Australia), Dr Mel Kaushansky (USA), Dr Anita Rose (UK), and Ms Donna Malley (UK).
Santiago, Chile, 5th-6th — December 2017
Santiago, Chile, 5th-6th — December 2017
This workshop on Cross-Cultural Neuropsychological Test Development was organised by Dr Christian Salas (Universidad Diego Portales) and was held at Universidad Autonoma de Chile. It was attended by 120 participants. The international speakers were Prof Jonathan Evans (UK) and Dr Alberto Fernandez (Argentina). Dr Salas also organised the 1st Chilean Congress of Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, held on December 6th at Universidad Diego Portales to which Prof Evans and Dr Fernandez also contributed.
Research and Editing Consultant Program
The Research and Editing Consulting Program (RECP) is designed to provide research design and statistical advice to colleagues who are planning research projects or want to develop international collaborations. In addition, the Program offers English language editing to colleagues for whom English is not their first language who wish to publish their research in English language journals. Members of the neuropsychology professional community are eligible to become consultants. To request RECP services, at least one author must be a member of a neuropsychological society and/or the manuscript must be under consideration for a journal in the field of neuropsychology. Our current consultants include:
If you would like to be put in touch with a consultant who can assist with research design, statistical advice or English language editing, or if you are willing to act as a consultant, please contact Dr. Anthony Risser at arisser@adler.edu.
International Resources for Assessment and Remediation
In this space we share information and resources for the conduct of assessments and interventions for people with known or suspected cognitive impairments. If you have any materials that are (1) evidence based and (2) freely available that you would like to be considered for inclusion here, please email Skye McDonald, with the evidence source.
Tests and Assessment
- Neuropsychological adaptation of the International Test Commission (ITC) Guidelines For Translating and Adapting Tests: Members of a workgroup of the INS Cultural SIG have developed a document that presents a neuropsychological
application of the International Test Commission (ITC) guidelines for translating and adapting tests. This application of the ITC guidelines aims to provide guidance for neuropsychological test translation, adaptation, and validation of existing tests for use in linguistic and cultural contexts that are different to those for which tests were originally developed, for consideration in the development of new neuropsychological tests, and other means of assessment where applicable. This document is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the International Neuropsychological Society, the Global Engagement Committee or all Cultural neuropsychology Special Interest Group members. INS SIG Assessment Workgroup (2023) ITC Guidelines Neuropsychology Application. - The Addenbrookes Cognitive Examination- III (ACE III) is a freely available, cognitive screening tool for patients over the age of 50 who are suspected to suffer from dementia. It can be used by health practitioners and researchers and has been translated into a range of different languages. https://www.sydney.edu.au/brain-mind/resources-for-clinicians/dementia-test.html.
- ASSBI Resources is a publisher of evidence based assessment and remediation packages. Many of these can be purchased and downloaded from the website. ASSBI Resources is a not-for-profit arm of the Australasian Society for the Study of Brain Impairment. https://assbi.com.au/
- Cross Cultural Cognitive Test Norms: An advanced collaboration from Africa Shuttleworth-Edwards and Truter, Inter-Ed Publishers
- Cysique et al 2022: Assessment of Neurocognitive Functions, Olfaction, Taste, Mental, and Psychosocial Health in COVID-19 in Adults: Recommendations for Harmonization of Research and Implications for Clinical Practice, JINS, 2022, 28, 642-660
- Global Neuropsychology Incorporated (GNI) https://gninc.org/#. GNI is a non-profit organization that provides norms for tests of memory, attention, other mental abilities and mood obtained in different languages from around the world, The tests and norms are a global public health tool for researchers and clinicians to assess the cognitive functioning of persons from childhood through late life.
- The Compensatory Cognitive Training has been successful for people with psychiatric symptoms, brain injuries, and other brain-related conditions resulting in cognitive challenges. These manuals use compensatory cognitive training, rather than extensive drills and practice. In other words, they help teach people how to improve their cognitive skills by using strategies, have them practice their strategy use in the real world, and then troubleshoot any difficulties that come up. The goal is to help make these strategies become habits, so they can be used automatically when they are needed in the real world. You can Access the English versión here http://www.cogsmart.com/ and the Spanish versión here https://neurolab.deusto.es/563-2/
- Neurobite is a database that catalogues over 5000 studies of cognitive, behavioural and other treatments for psychological issues arising after acquired brain impairment. It provides an exhaustive catalogue of all studies ever published in English. Studies are rated for their methodological quality and scientific rigour. The website is free and enables you to search for articles which might be relevant for your clinical practice or your research in a time-efficient way. https://neurorehab-evidence.com/web/cms/content/home
- ASSBI Resources is a publisher of evidence based assessment and remediation packages. Many of these can be purchased and downloaded from the website. ASSBI Resources is a not-for-profit arm of the Australasian Society for the Study of Brain Impairment. https://assbi.com.au/
- Neuropsychological Assessment and Rehabilitation – Learning Materials In this resource you will find 15 presentations on the topics of neuropsychological assessment and rehabilitation. They were originally delivered as part of an INS Matthews funded workshop in Thailand in December 2020. The speakers are Professor Barbara Wilson, PhD and Professor Jonathan Evans, PhD. https://the-ins.org/global-engagement/global-engagement-video-library-learning-resources/
- KnowNeuropsychology – Next Generation Neuropsychology Education KnowNeuropsychology was created by a team of neuropsychologist and neuropsychology trainees to meet the rapidly evolving needs of our professional community. We support the open and global exchange of scientific knowledge and advancement of neuropsychology as a specialty via equitable access to education. To this end, KnowNeuropsychology containS a library of open access educational lectures spanning a diversity of practice, science, and professional development topics.
- In 2018 Erik Hessen and his colleagues published a study in The Clinical Neuropsychologist (TCN) that reviewed the main competencies likely to apply to clinical neuropsychology training regardless of regional and cultural context. With the kind permission of TCN this article is free to download from this link: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13854046.2017.1413210
Book and Journal Depository
INS International Resources provides a book and journal depository, which supports the provision of donated neuropsychology and neuroscience books and journals. We accept copies of recent books and journals that are less than five years old. If you would like to donate books or journals please contact Dr. William Seidel, Coordinator at wtswts5@yahoo.com. Institutions from low- and middle-income countries who would like to request a shipment of books and journals should also contact Dr. Seidel.
Justice and Equity
The Justice and Equity Subcommittee has addressed its charge by focusing on education initiatives that will directly impact health equity.
Thus, since its inception in 2021, the subcommittee has focused on obtaining NIH funding to address the lack of neuropsychology training programs in Africa. The first grant application (under review) has the goal of starting the first doctoral level neuropsychology program at the University of Rwanda. It will focus on training primarily neuropsychology researchers although limited clinical training will also be supported. The second grant under review focuses on building a neuropsychology battery and collecting normative data in Rwanda.
Additionally, a team of volunteer faculty and staff, mostly from Emory University, have begun a 1-year professional education certification program in neuropsychological assessment in Rwanda for Masters-degree psychologists (the entry level degree for practice in Rwanda). The focus of this training is on epilepsy, stroke, and traumatic brain injury. Students are already licensed and employed as psychologists in several hospitals and clinics in Rwanda with patient populations that could benefit from neuropsychological services. If the program is successful, it will be used as a template from which to expand to other African countries.
A previously completed a survey of neuropsychology resources across the African continent (presented by Dr. Deb Attix at the INS Conference in Feb. 2023) is being written into a manuscript for peer-reviewed publication.
Related Links
Below are some links to websites that may be relevant to members of the INS around the world. INS does not endorse any of the organizations listed below, we simply provide links that may be of interest and relevance to members. If you have ideas for other relevant links please email Melissa Lamar (melissa_lamar@rush.edu).
Acta Neuropsychologica
Acta Neuropsychologica is a peer-reviewed scientific quarterly, featuring original articles concerned with all aspects of the brain-behavior relationship. Published in English with an international scope, it is also the official publication of the Polish Neuropsychological Society.
Asian Neuropsychological Association
The Asian Neuropsychological Association is a new professional neuropsychological organization whose mission is to facilitate the accessibility of competent culturally informed neuropsychological services to all Asians and develop a professional community for neuropsychologists of Asian descent.
Asociación Latinoamericana de Neuropsicología (ALAN)
La Asociación Latinoamericana de Neuropsicología (ALAN) se creó formalmente en 1999 en Cartagena (Colombia) durante la realización del “Congreso Internacional Cerebro-Mente: La Integración”. Su objetivo fundamental es el desarrollo y fortalecimiento de la neuropsicología en Latinoamérica. La ALAN se fundó como una federación de sociedades de neuropsicología, lo cual quiere decir que todas las sociedades de neuropsicología existentes en Latinoamérica pueden en principio considerarse como parte de la ALAN. Más que una sociedad, es una asociación de sociedades.
Asociación Mexicana de Neuropsicologia
La Asociación Mexicana de Neuropsicología es una asociación civil sin fines de lucro que congrega a los profesionales de la neuropsicología en el país y a los estudiantes de ese campo. Cada dos años realizan un congreso nacional y a lo largo del año organizan cursos, talleres y seminarios orientados a la formación y profesionalización de los recursos humanos en esta área.
Australasian Society for the Study of Brain Impairment (ASSBI)
ASSBI is a multidisciplinary society dedicated to improving the quality of life of people with brain impairment and their families. Its mission is to:
- Enable all disciplines who work with people with brain impairment to meet, learn and discuss the latest clinical research initiatives in a scholarly environment
- Provide high quality continuing education; Publish scholarly research via its journal Brain Impairment
- Promote scientific rigour and evidence-based practice in the field of brain impairment
- Encourage students to present, share and publish their work
- Provide high quality assessment and treatment resources via ASSBI Resources.
ASSBI runs an annual conference each year. These are usually in Australia but it has also held meetings in New Zealand and China (Macau).
A web log of news about the brain and behavior from Anthony H. Risser, Ph.D.
Brazilian Society of Neuropsychology
El SBNP es una sociedad científica fundada en 1989 con el objetivo de apoyar y divulgar cualquier iniciativa relacionada con el estudio de las funciones cognitivas humanas y sus trastornos en los pacientes con lesiones cerebrales. Su cuerpo se compone de médicos asociados, psicólogos, logopedas, terapeutas ocupacionales, educadores, psicólogos, lingüistas, biólogos, profesores universitarios y estudiantes de la zona.
British Psychological Society (BPS) Division of Neuropsychology
The BPS is the representative body for psychology and psychologists in the UK. It is responsible for the development, promotion and application of psychology for the public good. The Division of Neuropsychology (DoN) supports its members with training and advice, holds regular conferences and events, and contacts members with updates and news about the professional field throughout the year.
Canadian Psychological Association (CPA)
The Canadian Psychological Association is a voluntary organization which represents the interests of all aspects of psychology in Canada and which promotes unity, coherence and a sense of identity across the diverse scientific and professional interests.
Center for International Rehabilitation Research Information and Exchange
CIRRIE facilitates the sharing of information and expertise in rehabilitation research between the U.S. and other countries. It offers an international rehabilitation research database and a list of electronic bulletin board and discussion groups on rehabilitation research.
Czech Association for Neuropsychology
The Czech Association for Neuropsychology (CANP) is a professional neuropsychological society, which is based on democratic principles and cooperation shared among academic and clinical professionals and students interested in the field of neuropsychology. The mission of the CANP is to promote comprehensive education in neuropsychology (graduate, postgraduate and lifelong), to set standards of professional ethics and support research in neuropsychology in an effort to establish neuropsychology as an independent professional discipline in the Czech Republic.
Ethnic Medicine Information
The EthnoMed site contains information about cultural beliefs, medical issues and other related issues pertinent to the health care of recent immigrants to Seattle or the US, many of whom are refugees fleeing war-torn parts of the world.
European Brain and Behaviour Society
EBBS promotes the exchange of information between European scientists interested in the relationship of brain mechanisms and behaviour. Membership is open to all European scientists and Associate Membership is available for non-Europeans.
The European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP)
ECNP, established in 1986 on the initiative of European Scientists working in the field of neuropsychopharmacology, aims to encourage research and facilitate communication of ideas in the convergent disciplines.
European Dana Alliance for the Brain
Launched in 1997, the European Dana Alliance for the Brain works to make information about brain research accessible to the general public in Europe. It is part of the Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives, a nonprofit organization and the Dana Foundation, a private philanthropic organization.
European Federation of Psychologists' Associations
EFPA is the leading Federation of National Psychology Associations, providing a forum for European cooperation in a wide range of fields of academic training, psychology practice and research. The 31 member organizations, representing about 150,000 psychologists, are concerned with promoting and improving psychology as a profession and as a discipline, particularly, though not exclusively, in applied settings and with emphasis on the training and research associated with such practice. The psychologists in the member associations include practitioners as well as academic and research psychologists. The Federation has as one of its goals the integration of practice with research and the promotion of an integrated discipline of psychology.
Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS)
FENS was founded with the goal of advancing research and education in neuroscience and representing neuroscience research in the European Commission, IBRO, and other granting bodies.
Federation of the European Societies of Neuropsychology (ESN)
ESN was founded in August 2008 and adopted its constitution in January 2009 at its first official congress in Edinburgh. The goals of the organization are to further scientific and professional issues within the field of neuropsychology, including cognitive neuropsychology, clinical neuropsychology, behavioural neurology, neuroimaging and neuropsychological rehabilitation. Additional goals are to encourage and help develop European programmes of clinical and experimental neuropsychological research along with pre- and postgraduate teaching and to put forward any instances related to neuropsychology to the relevant political or beaurocratic bodies. The Federation may also engage in other activities which contribute to the advancement of neuropsychology and related topics within Europe and will liaise with other relevant scientific and clinical bodies. Contact Erik Hessen at erik.hessen@nevropsykologi.no.
The Health InterNetwork Access to Research Initiative (HINARI)
HINARI provides free or very low cost online access to the major journals in biomedical and related social sciences to local, not-for-profit institutions in developing countries.
Hispanic Neuropsychological Society
HNS is a group of clinical and research neuropsychologists seeking to promote training and research which will yield high standards in neuropsychological practice with the ethnically diverse Hispanic population.
International Academy of Applied Neuropsychology Akademie bei König & Müller
This Academy offers advanced training programs and seminars for all interdisciplinary professionals working in the neurological rehabilitation sector. The team is composed of Simone Eisenbacher, Kirsten Wander, Julia Riegler, Gerhard Müller, and Herbert König. They have been offering international courses in English within the associated “International Academy of Applied Neuropsychology” since 2008 and have hosted symposia and conferences in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Lichtenstein, Spain and Brazil. For a list of upcoming training institutes, go to https://www.neuroraum.de/. Email: akademie@koenigundmueller.de
International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP)
The International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology [IACCP], founded in 1972, has a membership of over 800 persons in more than 65 countries. The aims of the Association are to facilitate communication among persons interested in cross-cultural psychology and to examine more effectively the universal validity of psychological theories in all branches of psychology and related disciplines.The official publication of IACCP is the Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology.
International Behavioural and Neural Genetics Society (IBANGS)
IBANGS, founded in 1996, works to promote the field of neurobehavioural genetics. With 500 members in Europe, North and South America, and Australasia, IBANGS welcomes established scientists, students and any other persons interested in the field of behavioural neurogenetics.
International Brain Injury Association (IBIA)
IBIA is dedicated to the development and support of multidisciplinary medical and clinical professionals, advocates, policy makers, consumers and others who work to improve outcomes and opportunities for persons with brain injury.
International Brain Research Organization (IBRO)
IBRO is an independent, international organization dedicated to the promotion of neuroscience and of communication between brain researchers in all countries of the world.
International Test Commission
The International Test Commission (ITC) is an association of national psychological associations, test commissions, publishers and other organizations committed to promoting effective testing and assessment policies and to the proper development, evaluation and uses of educational and psychological instruments. The ITC produces a wide range of guidelines relating to psychological assessment, including Guidelines on Adapting Tests.
Metacognitive Training for Patients with Schizophrenia (MCT)
This is an interactive training program for patients with schizophrenia. It consists of 8 downloadable modules currently available in English, German, Dutch, French and Spanish. Versions in Polish, Farsi, Hindi, Chinese, Portuguese and Korean are being prepared. All programs are available cost-free on the above web site.
The National Association of Psychometrists (NAP)
The mission of the National Association of Psychometrists (NAP) is to promote the education and training of individuals who are employed to administer neuropsychological, psychological and educational tests under the supervision of Neuropsychologists, Psychologists and other authorized users. The Association advocates the careful application of standardized procedures for administration and scoring as set forth by the test developer. The goals desired from this mission are to be achieved in cooperation with professional psychological organizations and as a service to the general public. NAP now has members in nearly every US state as well as Canada, Norway and Australia.
Neuropsychology Central
Founded in 1995 and edited by Jeff Browndyke, Ph.D., this website offers resources, links, and an e-mail discussion list dedicated to neuropsychology.
New York Neuropsychology Group
The New York Neuropsychology Group is a multidisciplinary, nonprofit scientific and educational organization founded in 1979 to provide a forum for the discussion of brain-behavior relationships.
Office of International Affairs
The APA Office of International Affairs publishes a quarterly newsletter, coordinates APA participation and representation in international meetings, and administers journal donation programs, travel grants, and other projects to facilitate exchange between U.S. and international psychologists.
Organisation Française des Psychologues spécialisés en Neuropsychologie (OFPN)
The OFPN’s objective is to ensure the organization of psychologists specializing in neuropsychology. It aims to bring the word of these psychologists and their groups together at the national and even international level. The OFFP also sets itself the objectives of stimulating, encouraging and initiating any action to defend and promote neuropsychological practice by psychologists.
PsycBITE™ is a free-access database that catalogues studies of cognitive, behavioural and other treatments for psychological problems and issues occurring as a consequence of acquired brain impairment (ABI).
Revista Argentina de Neuropsicologia (Argentinian Journal of Neuropsychology)
La Revista Argentina de Neuropsicología es el órgano oficial de la Sociedad de Neuropsicología de Argentina. La Revista Argentina de Neuropsicología is the official journal of the Neuropsychological Society of Argentina.
Revista Electronica de Medicina Neuropsicologica
Free, weekly e-mail journal of Spanish-language articles with an emphasis upon practical applications of neuropsychological principles to medicine. Sponsored by the Federacion Centroamericana de Medicina Neuropsicologica, based in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. To subscribe, send e-mail to Ramiro Coello-Cortes, MD, at drcoello@amnettgu.com.
Revista Latinoamericana de Psicologia (Latin American Journal of Psychology)
La Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología fue publicada por primera vez en 1969 en Bogotá (Colombia). Publica artículos en todas las áreas de la psicología como ciencia y como profesión. The Latin Americana Review of Psychology, published for the first time in 1969 in Bogotá, Colombia, publishes articles in all areas of psychology as a science and as a profession.
Revista Neuropsicologia, Neuropsiquiatria y Neurociencias (Journal of Neuropsychology, Neuropsychiatry and Neurosciences)
SACNA (South African Clinical Neuropsychological Association)
SACNA is a peer-credentialed association of psychologists in South Africa, who aim to promote and stimulate interest in the field of neuropsychology, while maintaining standards in neuropsychological practice. This is achieved by ensuring that its full members have demonstrated knowledge and competence in the field, by way of examination and peer review.
Scholars at Risk
SAR is an international network of universities and colleges working to promote academic freedom and to defend the human rights of scholars worldwide. SAR works to arrange short-term, emergency visits to Network member institutions. SAR also offers counseling and referral, help in securing fellowships, a job board and other services.
Sociedad Latinoamericana de Neuropsicologia (SLAN)
SLAN is an organization of neuropsychology professionals from all regions of Latin America, including Canada, Mexico, Central America, and South America. It sponsors a biennial congress with a website in Spanish, Portuguese, and French.
Société de Neuropsychologie de Langue Française (SNLF)
Created in 1990, the Revue de Neuropsychologie got a makeover in 2009. The Revue de Neuropsychologie, the official organ of the Société de Neuropsychologie de Langue Française (SNLF), is a privileged witness to the progress of knowledge in the French-speaking community. It publishes scientific articles, reviewed by peers, in the form of original contributions, reviews and methodological notes. The Journal covers all areas of neuropsychology, from its most theoretical aspects to its practical applications. It constitutes the privileged communication tool of the life of our Company.
Spanish Federation of NEuropsychological Societies (FANPSE)
FANPSE is currently the largest association of Neuropsychologists in Spain, with 12 regional societies being represented and more than 800 members. It is part of the Federation of the Euripean Societies of Neuropsychology (ESN) and works to promote the development of the professional field in Spain. FANPSE celebrates a scientific congress annually in the month of March.
World Federation for NeuroRehabilitation (WFNR)
The World Federation for NeuroRehabilitation (WFNR) is a multidisciplinary organisation open to any professional with an interest in neurological rehabilitation. The organisation exists to act as a forum of communication between those with an interest in the subject. The WFNR produces a regular newsletter (WFNR Update) that is produced twice a year. The WFNR organises a World Congress in NeuroRehabilitation every two years.
World Health Organization
The World Health Organization is the United Nations specialized agency for health. WHO’s objective is the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health.