
The INS Board of Directors is comprised of 14 elected members, including five officers and nine members-at-large. INS Officers include the President, President Elect, Past President, Treasurer, and Secretary. We invite you to meet the current INS Officers below or Members-at-Large. You may also view Past Presidents or Staff of INS. Officers Members-at-Large Past Presidents […]

Nelson Butters Award Recipients

INS Post-Doc Fellow Research Award Recipients  The prize is awarded at the Society’s Annual and Mid-Year Meetings for the best research presented by a postdoctoral fellow. The recipient is selected at the discretion of each Meeting Program Chair. No formal application is necessary (all submissions by postdoctoral fellows are considered). * Award recipients receive an […]

INS PresidentIal Invitational Webinar 2023

INS PresidentiaI Invitational Webinar 2023 Neuropsychological rehabilitation: From brain to behavior Free registration Date and time: Tuesday, December 19, 2023 / 11:00 am – 12:30 pm (EST US and Canada), 17:00 Central Europe. Number of Credits: 1.5 CE credits optional with purchase ($30 members / $45 non-members). About Session: In neuropsychology, we study brain-behavior relationships. […]

INS Oncology SIG Webinar – December 8, 2023

INS Oncology SIG Webinar Biomarkers and Mechanisms of Neurocognitive Impairment in Survivors of Pediatric ALL Free registration Date and time:Β Friday, December 8, 2023, at 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM CST / 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EST. Number of Credits: No CE. Learning Objectives: 1. Describe biomarkers of direct neurotoxicity related to neurocognitive impairment in […]

AMEX Travel

American Express Travel Videos 1. Create Login 2. Configure Your Profile 3. Comprehensive Training & Booking Your Travel Training Sessions Neo online booking tool end-user training sessions. Open Trainings Every Thursday at 11:00 AM EST USA Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 914 5648 4187 Passcode: 260260

44th Annual Meeting INS Early Career Research Award Recipient

44th Annual Meeting INS Early Career Research Award RecipientBoston, Massachusetts, USA, February 3-6, 2016 Ben Hampstead Memory deficits characterize Alzheimer’s disease and its clinical precursor amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI). While a growing body of research furthers our understanding of the detection, characterization, and neuroanatomy of these memory deficits, the clinical translation of these findings […]

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