Episode 90 | Autism: The Big Picture – With Sir Simon Baron-Cohen

This is a big picture conversation about autism with Sir Simon Baron-Cohen. We cover the concepts of neurodiversity, systemizing and empathy (including their relationships to autism), sex and gender issues, cognitive strengths and weaknesses in autism, and clinical applications.

Episode 29 | The Art and Science of Delivering Feedback – With Dr. Karen Postal (Part 2)

Karen Postal, Ph.D., ABPP-CN, talked with us about neuropsychological feedback in episode 17 (click here to go to that episode). Today, she graciously returns to continue the discussion of how to best deliver feedback and talk about her new book, Testimony That Sticks: The Art of Communicating Psychology and Neuropsychology to Juries. We also spend time talking to Karen about her training and supervision style, as well as her perspective on professional development based on her experience as American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology President and in many other leadership and service roles.

Episode 52 | The Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP) – With Dr. Robert Latzman

Our current nosology of psychopathology relies on a categorical model that has notable limitations. For example, this medical model of classifying mental disorders does not account for the significant heterogeneity of symptom presentations across psychopathology. Today, we speak with Robert Latzman, Ph.D., to discuss the Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP), an alternative nosology that uses factor analysis to address the issues with our current diagnostic classification standard.

Episode 62 | Multiple Sclerosis: Cognitive and Emotional Sequelae – with Dr. Peter Arnett

About 50% of individuals with multiple sclerosis (MS) exhibit cognitive deficits in additional to physical symptoms. Depression and fatigue are also common in MS and can be debilitating. Therefore, it is not uncommon for an individual with MS to be referred for neuropsychological evaluation, making it important for neuropsychologists to familiarize themselves with the neurobiological underpinnings and signs and symptoms of MS. Today, John and Ryan talk with Dr. Peter Arnett about the cognitive and emotional symptoms of MS, and how neuropsychology can contribute to the care of patients with MS.

47th Annual Meeting INS Early Career Research Award Recipient

47th Annual Meeting INS Early Career Research Award RecipientNew York City, New York, USA, February 20-23, 2019 Ekaterina Dobryakova Learning is an essential aspect of cognition required for successful execution of many daily activities and is an essential component of adaptive behavior. Effective learning is often reliant on clear feedback and the ability to learn […]

INS Video Library

Welcome to the INS Oral History Archive Project Scroll down to continue as a member or non-member As part of its 5-year strategic plan, the INS Education Committee began the Video Archive as a means of providing an oral history of the Society and the profession. The INS Video Archives includes 26 interviews with some […]

Laird S. Cermak Award Recipients

INS Memory Disorders Research Award Recipients This award honors the contributions of Dr. Laird Cermak and recognizes the impact he has had in the area of memory and memory disorders. The prize is awarded at the Society’s Annual and Mid-Year Meetings for the best research presented in the area of memory or memory disorders. The […]

Marit Korkman Award Recipients

INS Pediatric Research Award The INS announced the addition of the Marit Korkman Award in 2014, honoring Dr. Marit Korkman’s impact in the field of pediatric neuropsychology. The award is given for the most outstanding student contribution at the Mid-Year Meeting on a topic in pediatric neuropsychology. The winner is selected at the discretion of […]


Tweet #connectingbrainsworldwide Brain Injury Special Interest Group at the International Neuropsychological Society Co-Chair: Lena Dobson, Ph.D. (Sweden/USA)   Co-Chair: Christine Koterba, Ph.D./ABPP (USA) Co-Chair: Nicholas Ryan, Ph.D. (Australia) Program Chair: Christine Petrovich, Ph.D. (USA) Communications Chair: Kimberly Davis, Ph.D. (USA) Member-at-large: Megan Kramer, Ph.D./ABPP (USA) Student Program Representative: Sandra Glazer, M.S. (USA) Student Communication Representative: […]