Episode 15 | Interventional Neuropsychology: Compensatory Cognitive Training – With Dr. Beth Twamley

Compensatory Cognitive Training (CCT) is a growing area of research and clinical practice for neuropsychologists in academic and rehabilitation settings. CCT leverages intact brain networks in order to teach skills that can improve someone’s ability to function independently in day-to-day life, despite the presence of other disrupted brain networks. CCT has wide-reaching applications and can be beneficial for many of the clinical populations neuropsychologists already work with, including individuals with traumatic brain injury, severe mental illness, mild cognitive impairment, and dementia. In this episode, we will talk to Elizabeth Twamley, Ph.D., about CCT: how it is applied, similarities to cognitive rehabilitation, who benefits most, where the field is going, and much more.

Episode 106 | Sport Related Concussion – With Dr. Michael McCrea

n this episode, we speak with Dr. Michael McCrea about sport related concussion. We focus on definition, pathophysiology, recognition/diagnosis, biomarkers, (re)evaluation, recovery, rehabilitation, and return to sport following sport concussion. We also touch upon long-term effects of repeated sport concussion on long-term cognition and mental health.

JINS Open Access Policy

The NIH Public Access Policy ensures that the public has access to the published results of NIH funded research. As of April 7, 2008 this policy requires that the final peer-reviewed and accepted version of the author’s manuscript of any research resulting from NIH-funded activities must be submitted to the PubMed Central (PMC) repository. The […]

Phillip M. Rennick Award Recipients

INS Graduate Student Research Award Recipients This award is given in honor of the contributions of Dr. Phillip Rennick and to recognize the impact he has had in the area of neuropsychology. The prize is awarded at the Society’s Annual and Mid-Year Meetings for the best research presented by a graduate student. The recipient is […]

About INS

The International Neuropsychological Society (INS) was founded in 1967 as a scientific and educational organization dedicated to enhancing communication among the scientific disciplines which contribute to the understanding of brain-behavior relationships. The Society currently has more than 4700 members throughout the world and from various areas of practice. The mission of the International Neuropsychological Society […]

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Program Book

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