Member Newsletter – April 2019

Revised INS Newsletter for the Archives s text text   Greetings!  Welcome to your latest edition of the INS Newsletter! I am thrilled to be taking over as the Newsletter Editor, and hope that you enjoy all the features and content put together by your INS Newsletter team. We always appreciate your feedback and suggestions, […]

Episode 138 | Executive Functions in the Developing Brain – A Conversation With Dr. Adele Diamond

This episode is a discussion with Dr. Adele Diamond about executive functions (EFs), with a focus on children and the developing brain. The conversation covers a wide range of topics, including models of EFs, three core EFs (inhibitory control, working memory, and cognitive flexibility), the differential development of EF components during childhood, the ability of early EFs to predict later life outcomes, relationships between EFs and fluid intelligence, assessment of EFs, task impurity, and interventions to improve EFs in children.

Student Liaison Committee

Welcome to INS-SLC Thank you for visiting the page of the INS Student Liaison Committee! You may read about the history of SLC and about our student committee members on this page, or connect with the INS-SLC on their Facebook page. Click here to connect with INS-SLC on Facebook The INS Student Liaison Committee also operates a […]

Mid-Career (Benton) Award Recipients

INS Mid-Career Research Award The award is given to recognize scientific achievements of individuals at the mid-career level. Award Qualifications Eligible Period: 11-24 yrs after terminal degree1 Description: Late associate-early full professor level, (growing) international reputation, substantive research impact (e.g., citations, impact factors) INS Membership Required: No Requirements: 1 nomination letter and 2 letters of […]

Paul Satz INS Career Mentoring Award Recipients

INS Career Mentoring Award This award is bestowed upon an individual whose mentoring and/or teaching activities have made a profound impact on careers of students in the field of neuropsychology. The award is presented at each meeting of the Society based on the merits of nominations received. Award Qualifications Eligible Period: Mid-career to senior Description: […]

INS Committees

The International Neuropsychological Society has several permanent committees that exist to assist the Board of Governors with society operations, as well as ad hoc committees that are formed as needed. INS members are encouraged to become more involved in the Society by serving on INS permanent and ad-hoc committees. If you are interested in becoming […]

Episode 30 | The NIH Toolbox – With Dr. Julie Hook

Dr. Hook is a Research Associate Professor in the Department of Medical Social Sciences at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, and is Product Manager of the NIH Toolbox®. She participates in grant funded research and directs the marketing efforts and strategic direction for the NIH Toolbox. Her interests in test development and combining innovative technologies to assist in neuropsychological assessment has led her to positions in both academia and industry. She was previously an Assistant Professor at Rush University (Chicago, IL) and worked in R & D at Psychological Assessment Resources (PAR; Lutz, FL), both a Project Director and Manager of Quality Assurance. While working in Medical Innovation for Design Interactive, an SBIR-funded human factor engineering company (Orlando, FL), she led a number of innovative DoD grants aimed at incorporating technology (e.g., virtual reality, eye-tracking, and machine learning) into medical practice and training.

Distinguished Career Award Recipients

INS Distinguished Career Award The Distinguished Career Award has been established by the INS Board of Governors to recognize individuals who are at or near the ends of their careers, and who have made major, sustained contributions to the field of neuropsychology as well as to the INS. Award Qualifications Eligible Period: At/near end of […]