Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission INS Membership is not required for abstract submission. However, you must be logged in to submit an abstract. If you are brand new to INS and have never logged in, you may create a guest account. INS members will receive discounts on meeting registration and CE fees (if 2024 annual dues are paid […]

CE Program

INS NYC 2024 Continuing education program The International Neuropsychological Society is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The International Neuropsychological Society maintains responsibility for this program and its content.The International Neuropsychological Society is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Psychology as an approved provider […]

Norman Geschwind

Norman Geschwind Norman Geschwind, died suddenly by a heart attack and cardiac arrest on November 4th, 1984 at the age of 58. He was born in New York City on January 8, 1926. Both his parents were born in an area that was, before World War I, a portion of the Austro-Hungarian empire but is […]

Goal Management Training of Executive Functions in Patients with Spina Bifida

Abstract Executive dysfunction causes significant real-life disability for patients with spina bifida (SB). However, no previous research has been directed toward the amelioration of executive functioning deficits amongst persons with SB. Goal Management Training (GMT) is a compensatory cognitive rehabilitation approach, addressing underlying deficits in sustained attention to improve executive function. GMT has received empirical […]

Mortimer Mishkin

Mortimer Mishkin It is with great sadness, but profound gratitude for a career of outstanding accomplishments, that we note the passing of renowned neuroscientist Mortimer Mishkin on October 2, 2021. Mishkin’s work has led to a greater understanding of memory, perceptual function, and the functional anatomy of cognition. Mishkin spent over 60 years at the […]

Human Brain Connectivity in the Modern Era

11.0 Hours of Continuing Education credits are available for this issue. CE credits may only be earned for reading ALL of the articles in this special issue. On this page you may review the learning objectives for the entire series, as well as the titles and authors for each individual article included in this issue. […]

INS Pricing

INS Pricing INS Meeting Registration Pricing New York City, NY February 14 – 17, 2024 INS On-Site Registration Feb 13 – Feb INS Professional Member $365 INS Emeritus Member $230 INS In-Training Member (Student) $215 Non-Member Attendee $575 INS registration includes access to all plenaries, invited symposia, poster sessions, paper sessions, symposia sessions, awards ceremony, […]