A Message from the 2023 INS President

Dear Colleagues,

As I begin my Presidency of INS, I want to thank everyone who contributed to making our meeting in San Diego such a
wonderful event. It was fantastic to see so many friends and colleagues in person again after all the ‘Zoom-only’
years! In particular, thanks go to our Program Chairs Julie Bobholz and Sakina Butt – they did an amazing job in
putting together such a stimulating and interesting program. As everyone knows, our meetings require a huge team
effort, and I also want to thank INS President Ida Sue Baron, Executive Director Marc Norman, our amazing office
team of Chantal, Davis, Jamie, and Marta, as well as all the student volunteers who helped in so many ways! The
meeting just couldn’t run without all of these people (and many more!) and I know we are all incredibly grateful for
everything they did to ensure the success of the meeting.

Next up, we have our mid-year meeting in Taipei (July 6-8th). This represents a landmark for INS, being our first
meeting in East Asia. Program Co-Chairs Dr Nai Wen Guo (Taiwan) and Dr Maiko Sakamoto (Japan) have put together an
excellent program of plenary speakers, highlighting the very best of neuropsychological science and practice from
Asia as well as the rest of the world, and a ‘special event’ that will follow the meeting on July 9th. In Taipei I
know we will receive a warm Taiwanese welcome, in the city known for its friendliness and wonderful mix of cultural
influences. The call for abstracts is still open but closing shortly so head to https://www.instaiwan2023.org/#/ and
submit your abstract by March 17th!! Whilst February 2024 still seems a long way away, it will come round soon, and
INS will be back in New York City. Program Co-Chairs Cady Block (US) and Rune Nielsen (Denmark) have some great
plans for a very exciting program – watch out for announcements and start planning for what you want to submit!

In other news, I am delighted to announce that Dr Sallie Baxendale has taken on the role of Chair of the INS
Publications committee, and she has certainly had to hit the ground running as our search for the next Editor in
Chief of JINS is under way, with Dr Steve Rao’s term as Editor coming to an end. Dr Baxendale will be working
closely with Dr Gerry Taylor, who is leading the Search Committee.

We also have another new committee chair – Dr Christine Mullen is taking over from Dr Julie Bobholz as Chair of our
Membership Engagement Committee. Christine will be taking forward some great initiatives for ways to encourage
colleagues to join INS and you will see details of the ‘Try INS’ initiative soon. Please do encourage your
colleagues to consider joining INS!!

One of the great benefits of joining INS is the chance to get involved with one or more of our 13 Special Interest
Groups! There have already been some great webinars organised by the SIGs, with many more coming up, including the
Neuropsychological Interventions SIG webinar on March 8/9th (depending on where in the world you are), on
‘Challenges in defining and guiding practice in cognitive interventions for acquired brain injury cohorts’ with
speakers Dr Jennie Ponsford and Dr Terry Quinn – watch it live or catch up later by registering via:
https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_buqCQOBISHCcqkrptYByEQ If you are interested in Neuropsychological
Rehabilitation, you might also be interested in the five-day training workshop at the Saugatuck Institute of
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, which is sponsored by INS. For information on the program and how to register go
to: www.si-nr.org Something close to my heart is the Charles G. Matthews International Development Fund and it is
coming round to time to apply for this year’s Clinical, Research or Educational funding. If you have ideas for
workshops or projects that will support the development in countries where neuropsychology is less well
developed/resourced, go to https://the-ins.org/global-engagement/#charles-matthews-fund for information on how
to apply.

As I noted in our last INS Newsletter, during my presidency I will be supporting several ongoing initiatives and,
hopefully, seeing them through to their conclusion. Some of these are ‘behind the scenes’ and relate to how we run
the society, including managing the Society’s finances, our policies and procedures, our election procedures, and
our communication with members. Other initiatives include updating our INS awards, featuring papers from award
winners in JINS, and a policy on INS endorsement of member publications coming soon.

Our Society is doing a wonderful job of advancing neuropsychological science and practice around the world and there
are many ways to get involved – head to the INS website for information on all of the many activities of INS and if
you are keen to get involved contact us via https://the-ins.org/contact-forms/contact-us/

If you have any questions or comments on things the Society is doing, please feel free to email me at


Jon Evans

INS President