cMember Newsletter – January 2019
As a new year begins, we would like to highlight the latest updates and information concerning upcoming conferences, events, and announcements that may be of interest to the members of our society. We hope that you plan to attend the February New York meeting and submit to and attend the Rio de Janeiro meeting in July! We also hope that you continue to enjoy the science and clinical sections that are a mainstay of our newsletter and consider submitting cases to our clinical co-editors. We continue to welcome your input concerning the contents of the newsletter and invite members to propose features for upcoming issues. Over the last several years I have enjoyed getting this newsletter off the ground; I look forward to assisting the next editor, Cady Block, as she continues to work toward our goal of having this newsletter be an interactive and engaging platform for sharing ideas and knowledge.
Rosemary Fama, Editor, & INS Newsletter Editorial Team
Pamela Dean
Science Editor
Natalie Grima
Clinical Case
Maxine Krengel
Clinical Case
Cady Block
Social Media Editor
Science in Action: Michael Parsons, PhD |
Neuropsychologists inform treatment and follow-up care for individuals with brain tumors: An Interview with Michael W. Parsons, PhD
Michael Parsons, PhD
Neuropsychologists play an important and unique role in the evaluation and treatment recommendations for patients with brain tumors, according to Dr. Michael W. Parsons, a faculty member of Harvard Medical School/Massachusetts General Hospital in the Pappas Neuro-Oncology Center and Department of Psychiatry. A neuropsychologist’s involvement can occur at different stages of the patient’s process from initial evaluation and identification of deficits, which can have a bearing on surgical decision making, to follow-up evaluation and consultation after the completion of treatment, which may take on more of a rehabilitation model to help patients cope with changes and make daily life decisions. |
Science Editor Pamela Dean recently interviewed Dr. Parsons about his research. To read more about Dr. Parson’s interview, click here. To hear to the audio interview, click here.
Clinical Case Series: ASD in Older Adults |
A Case of Autism Spectrum Disorder Comorbidity in an Older Adult Being Assessed for Cognitive Impairment
P. Amanda Niu
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a lifelong neurodevelopmental condition which was catapulted into public awareness following its first inclusion into the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders – Third Edition (DSM-III) in 1980. Currently, the DSM is in its fifth iteration with recent changes in 2013 causing a wave of controversy, particularly, with Asperger Syndrome now being subsumed under the broad category of autism spectrum disorder. However, what has remained consistent, without debate, throughout the past 30 years is the notion of autism spectrum disorder being inherently developmental. Herein, lies the difficulty when diagnosing autism spectrum disorder in an older adult population.
To read more about this case, click here.
Summit on Population Health Solutions for Assessing Cognitive Impairment in Geriatric Patients
Dr. Joel Kramer, Professor of Neuropsychology in Neurology at the University of California, San Francisco, represented INS at an interorganizational Summit on Population Health Solutions for Assessing Cognitive Impairment in Geriatric Patients convened by the National Academy of Neuropsychology (NAN) in December 2017. The findings and recommendations of the Summit have now been published and are available for free download. Click here to find out more.
There is huge inequality in access to clinical neuropsychology services around the world. Many countries, particularly low- or middle-income countries, have very small numbers of neuropsychologists who can provide assessment or rehabilitation interventions for people with conditions that affect the brain. The INS is committed to supporting the development of neuropsychology globally and one way of doing this is through the Charles G. Matthews International Neuropsychological Development Fund. Chuck Matthews, the 1992 President of INS, was a strong advocate for making INS instrumental in developing neuropsychology throughout the world, especially in low-resource countries. As a result of this passion, the INS instituted the Charles G. Matthews International Neuropsychological Development Fund in his name in 2003.
Further details on how to apply can be found here, but if you have questions or want to make initial enquiries, please just contact Jonathan Evans (jonathan.evans@glasgow.ac.uk).
Brenda Milner on her 100th birthday:
a lifetime of ‘good ideas’
Brenda Milner, CC GOQ FRS FRSC is a British-Canadian neuropsychologist who has contributed extensively to the research literature on various topics in the field of clinical neuropsychology, sometimes referred to as “the founder of neuropsychology”
On October 5th 2018, I had the unique experience of sitting down to chat with Dr. Brenda Milner, Dorothy J. Killam Professor of Psychology and Professor in the Department of Neurology & Neurosurgery at McGill University. Dr. Milner celebrated her 100th birthday on July 15th 2018 and is still an active faculty member at the Montreal Neurological Institute (The Neuro). The interview came shortly after I attended her remarkable Centennial Symposium, which took place at The Neuro on September 6-7th and featured a select group of high-profile speakers, in addition to tales and recollections from generations of graduate students and post-doctoral fellows. Though I did not have the opportunity to work with Dr. Milner myself, my PhD supervisor (Dr. Julien Doyon) was one of her PhD students, and I worked as a research assistant for another of her trainees (Virginia Frisk) at the Toronto Sick Kids Hospital between my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. I conducted a portion of my own PhD research in the neuroimaging center at The Neuro and now hold a faculty position at the Université de Montréal, where Dr. Milner was first hired to teach when she came to Montreal in 1944. I can only hope that even a fraction of Dr. Milner’s curiosity, diligence, and zest for life have indirectly been passed down to me through this scientific lineage!
Click here to watch her video interview.
Miriam Beauchamp Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Montreal Researcher, Ste-Justine Hospital Montreal, Canada Adjunct Professor, Department of Neurology & Neurosurgery, McGill University
Reference for additional reading: Brain article:
Brenda Milner on her 100th birthday: A Lifetime of ‘Good Ideas’
Kate E WatkinsDenise Klein
Student Liaison Committee: Navigating Neuropsychology Podcast |
Podcast by John Bellone, Ph.D. Ryan Van Patten, Ph.D. |
The Student Liaison Committee (SLC) is committed to the development of trainees in neuropsychology. One great new resource for trainees is Navigating Neuropsychology, a podcast that explores various topics in the field of neuropsychology. We recently sat down with the founders of the podcast, John Bellone, Ph.D. and Ryan Van Patten, Ph.D., for a discussion on what they hope to accomplish with the podcast, upcoming episodes, and more. Click here to read the full interview, and be sure to check out the latest episode of the podcast, which answers some frequently asked questions about the internship application process!
INS Social Media: Growing Everyday |
Cady Block, PhD |
Want to submit something for @INSneuro? Just email it to the INS social media editor: socialmedia@the-ins.org, but please note that all submissions are subject to review and verification before posting. Send away!
North American Meeting: New York City, USA |
Mike Kirkwood, Program Chair |
Embracing the Biopsychosocial Melting Pot
Please join us for the 47th Annual INS Meeting at the Marriott Marquis Times Square in New York City, NY, USA, February 20th to 23rd, 2019. Featuring an impressive lineup of prestigious keynote speakers and invited symposia, a stellar scientific program, and the virtually endless arts, cultural, and opportunities that New York City has to offer.
We received a record number of submissions, over 1400 in fact! This is a great sign that the conference will be fantastically energized and well attended.
Our keynote speakers include INS President Keith Yeates, Paul Bloom, Tim Hohman, Judy Illes, Adrian Owen, Rebecca Saxe, and Sandrine Thuret. Invited symposia will be chaired by Deborah Koltai Attix, Judy Illes, and Robin Peterson. We will also feature a scientific debate on the neurocognitive effects of cannabis featuring Igor Grant and Krista Lisdahl (moderated by Raul Gonzalez). Click here for additional information.
Media Panel:
Don’t forget to stick around through Saturday for:
Concussion Science and the Media: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Saturday, 9:00-10:00 AM, Broadway Ballroom North Moderator: Keith Yeates, PhD Presenters: William B. Barr, PhD, Karen Postal, PhD, Jason Chung, JD, Daniel Engber
Click here to get the
New York Insider’s Guide
Online registration ends on February 13th 2019. Click here to register now!
Services for New York 2019 and Future Meetings
Child Care Survey for Upcoming INS Meetings
INS is exploring the feasibility of offering professional child care services during its two yearly meetings, when such services are available from certified, insured contractors in meeting cities. Even with significant financial supplementation by INS, individual members are still likely to incur some costs. Because the costs will depend in part on usage by members, we would like to better understand the potential demand for these services from our members.
Click here to complete the survey and weigh in.
Parent’s Group for 2019 INS New York Meeting
Would you like to collaborate with other parents attending the 2019 INS New York Meeting? This group was created for you as a place to discuss play-date options, sharing child care resources, and anything else that might be helpful to discuss with other parents.
Click here for more information
Happy New Year & Welcome to 2019!
INS 2018 Raffle Winner – Sandra Shaheen
As she (uncharacteristically) registered early for the 2019 conference in NYC, she considered the odds of getting tickets to Hamilton directly, and thought, why not? When you live in Boston, NYC means going south for New Years. Maybe it is warmer there.
INS meetings set the tone for the future of neuropsychology. Thanks to the leadership of the Society for new directions and keeping relevant in our changing field.
Marriott Times Square 2019 Promotion
For 2019, “The Ultimate Times Square Signature Experience for New Year’s Eve”:
Winner will receive two tickets to the New Year’s Eve Gala on Times Square at the beautiful New York Marriott Marquis. This includes a reception and dinner, open bar, premium live entertainment, VIP street access to the Ball Drop for countdown, and breakfast the following morning. We would be honored to offer complimentary guest room accommodations for one room, two nights.
This promotion is available to those of you who are registered for the 2019 New York meeting and are staying at the Marriott Marquis Times Square.
The winner will be announced at the end of the New York Meeting
*All prizes are non-transferable. Winner must personally accept and use all prizes, and agrees to be a featured in our INS Member Spotlight.
**Current INS board, committee and staff members are not eligible for these special packages.
Back to the Roots of Neuropsychology
INS Video Archive is LIVE!! |
The INS Video Archive is live on the INS Website. INS Members can now enjoy access to 26 current videos on-demand by simply logging into their account and visiting either the Membership or Education tab. Non-Members can also view up to two pre-selected videos per month by logging in as “Visitor” under the Education tab. Educators who wish to use these videos for instructional purposes can request access to specific videos by contacting the INS Office. For more information click here.
Click here to visit the archive.
Special Interest Groups (SIGs): |
Special interest groups, or SIGs, provide an opportunity for individuals with similar interests to build collaborative relationships, create international communities, and work together to further science. The SIGs conduct meetings at conferences, have list serves, engage in social media, and maintain an active communication throughout the year. To date, there are three official SIGs: Epilepsy, Oncology, and Cultural Neuropsychology, with interest sparking in several other areas of neuropsychology. Fortunately, INS is accepting applications for new SIGs in an ongoing manner with no set deadline for submission. Applications do require 20 interested INS members and because it can be difficult for some people to locate individuals with the same research interest, we are in the process of setting up an INS SIG Facebook account.
This month we are highlighting our Cultural Neuropsychology SIG founded by
Drs. Monica Rivera Mindt, Jennifer Manly, April Thames, and Aparna Dutt. Drs. Thames and Dutt are the co-chairs. We interviewed Dr. Thames to learn more about the SIG. Read more …
INS Jobs Board: Position Announcements
Looking to start or change your career? Check out the latest openings on our INS jobs page. This includes a listing of training and professional positions, and is updated on a continual basis to reflect the latest offerings.
Hey, did you know that you could place job postings with INS? If you are looking to fill positions for neuropsychologists, psychologists, post-doc fellowships, internships, or research positions, place an ad with INS. You could be getting more inquiries from members, associate members, and non-members who visit our website.
Click here to post a job now.
The International Neuropsychological Society
2319 Foothill Drive, Suite 260 | Salt Lake City, UT 84109