A Message from the 2023 INS President

A Message from the 2023 INS President Dear Colleagues, As I begin my Presidency of INS, I want to thank everyone who contributed to making our meeting in San Diego such a wonderful event. It was fantastic to see so many friends and colleagues in person again after all the ‘Zoom-only’ years! In particular, thanks […]

Podcast CE

Visit NavNeuro at https://www.navneuro.com/ Online Continuing Education CE credit(s) can be earned by listening to episodes of the Navigating Neuropsychology (NavNeuro) podcast, a partner of INS, and then passing an online evaluation for the selected podcast(s). The INS neither promotes nor recommends any commercial products that may be discussed in these episodes. Cost: For individual […]

Episodes 22-23 | Pediatric Epilepsy – With Dr. Nancy Nussbaum

Part I: https://www.navneuro.com/22
Epilepsy is a broad term used to describe various neurologic conditions that cause seizures. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the U.S. had approximately 3 million adults and 470,000 children with epilepsy in 2015. Children with epilepsy are more likely to report academic difficulties, experience cognitive impairment, and live in poverty. Today we bring you Part 1 of our conversation with epilepsy expert Nancy Nussbaum, Ph.D., ABPP-CN. We cover a range of topics including the definition of epilepsy, epileptic syndromes and etiologies that are common in childhood, assessment, treatments, outcomes, and much more.

Part II: https://www.navneuro.com/23
We cover a range of topics including the role of a clinical neuropsychologist on an interdisciplinary team, common academic challenges, various treatment options, providing psychoeducation for families, and much more. We also ask Nancy about her experience as President of the American Board of Clinical Neuropsychology (ABCN) and advice regarding leadership in the field.

Mid-Career (Benton) Award Recipients

INS Mid-Career Research Award The award is given to recognize scientific achievements of individuals at the mid-career level. Award Qualifications Eligible Period: 11-24 yrs after terminal degree1 Description: Late associate-early full professor level, (growing) international reputation, substantive research impact (e.g., citations, impact factors) INS Membership Required: No Requirements: 1 nomination letter and 2 letters of […]

INS Committees

The International Neuropsychological Society has several permanent committees that exist to assist the Board of Governors with society operations, as well as ad hoc committees that are formed as needed. INS members are encouraged to become more involved in the Society by serving on INS permanent and ad-hoc committees. If you are interested in becoming […]

Distinguished Career Award Recipients

INS Distinguished Career Award The Distinguished Career Award has been established by the INS Board of Governors to recognize individuals who are at or near the ends of their careers, and who have made major, sustained contributions to the field of neuropsychology as well as to the INS. Award Qualifications Eligible Period: At/near end of […]