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JINS Special Issue: Human Brain Connectivity in the Modern Era: Relevance to Understanding Health and Disease

Co-organizers: Deanna M. Barch, Mieke
Verfaellie, and Stephen M. Rao




To identify and understand the primary methods by which one can examine human structural and/or functional brain connectivity.
To identify and understand the primary benefits and challenges associated with the different methods used to assess human structural and functional brain connectivity.
To understand relationships between normative variations in structural and/or functional connectivity and behavior.
To identify the populations, brain systems, and behaviors associated with alterations in functional and structural connectivity.
To describe the specificity across clinical domains of associations and the potential mechanisms by which functional and/or structural connectivity influences behavior.
To describe similarities and differences in structural versus functional connectivity abnormalities across clinical populations.



Introduction to JINS Special Issue on Human Brain Connectivity in the Modern Era:
Relevance to Understanding Health and Disease

D.M. Barch, M. Verfaellie, and S.M. Rao

Modern Methods for Interrogating the Human Connectome
M.J. Lowe, K.E. Sakaie, E.B. Beall, V.D. Calhoun, D.A. Bridwell, M. Rubinov, and S.M. Rao

Traumatic Brain Injury as a Disorder of Brain Connectivity
J.P. Hayes, E.D. Bigler, and M. Verfaellie

Measuring Cortical Connectivity in Alzheimer’s Disease as a Brain Neural
Network Pathology: Toward Clinical Applications
S. Teipel, M.J. Grothe, J. Zhou, J. Sepulcre, M. Dyrba, C. Sorg, and C. Babiloni

Imaging the “At-Risk” Brain: Future Directions
M.S. Koyama, A.D. Martino, F.X. Castellanos, E.J. Ho,
E. Marcelle, B. Leventhal, and M.P. Milham

Variation in White Matter Connectivity Predicts the Ability to
Remember Faces and Discriminate Their Emotions

A. Unger, K.H. Alm, J.A. Collins, J.M. O’Leary, and I.R. Olson

Fornix Microstructure and Memory Performance Is Associated with Altered
Neural Connectivity during Episodic Recognition

M. Ly, N. Adluru, D.J. Destiche, S.Y. Lu, J.M. Oh, S.M. Hoscheidt, A.L. Alexander, O.C. Okonkwo,
H.A. Rowley, M.A. Sager, S.C. Johnson, and B.B. Bendlin

Salience and Default Mode Network Coupling Predicts Cognition in Aging and Parkinson’s Disease
D. Putcha, R.S. Ross, A. Cronin-Golomb, A.C. Janes, and C.E. Stern

Altered Effective Connectivity during a Processing Speed Task in Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis
E. Dobryakova, S.L. Costa, G.R. Wylie, J. DeLuca, and H.M. Genova

Differential Resting State Connectivity Patterns and Impaired Semantically Cued List Learning Test
Performance in Early Course Remitted Major Depressive Disorder

J.A. Rao, L.M. Jenkins, E. Hymen, M. Feigon, S.L. Weisenbach, J-.K. Zubieta, and S.A. Langenecker

Graph Metrics of Structural Brain Networks in Individuals with Schizophrenia and
Healthy Controls: Group Differences, Relationships with Intelligence, and Genetics

R.A. Yeo, S.G. Ryman, M.P. van den Heuvel, M.A. de Reus, R.E. Jung, J. Pommy, A.R. Mayer, S. Ehrlich,
S.C. Schulz, E.M. Morrow, D. Manoach, B-.C. Ho, S.R. Sponheim, and V.D. Calhoun

Brain Network Organization and Social Executive Performance in Frontotemporal Dementia
L. Sedeño, B. Couto, I. García-Cordero, M. Melloni, S. Baez, J.P.M. Sepúlveda, D. Fraiman, D. Huepe, E. Hurtado,
D. Matallana, R. Kuljis, T. Torralva, D. Chialvo, M. Sigman, O. Piguet, F. Manes, and A. Ibanez

Disrupted Intrinsic Connectivity among Default, Dorsal Attention, and Frontoparietal
Control Networks in Individuals with Chronic Traumatic Brain Injury

K. Han, S.B. Chapman, and D.C. Krawczyk