Episode 132 | Reliable Change – With Dr. Kevin Duff

In this episode, we discuss reliable change with Dr. Kevin Duff. Specific topics covered include the purpose of serial assessment, classical test theory, test retest reliability, an introduction to practice effects, factors that increase or decrease practice effects, the reliable change index, standardized regression-based equations, and clinical factors impacting the interpretation of reliable change data.

1.5 CEs – INS Presidential Invitational Webinar 2023

In neuropsychology, we study brain-behavior relationships. We can limit our work to the study of specific brain functions in relation to corresponding behavior, either in healthy or in brain damaged individuals. However, each brain is in the head of a person who lives in a part of the world and has their unique past, present […]

Episode 130 | Fundamentals of Neuroanatomy – With Dr. Hal Blumenfeld

In this episode, we discuss big picture conceptual issues related to functional neuroanatomy, with Dr. Hal Blumenfeld. Specific topics covered include the purpose of the neurological exam, the brain as a distributed network, Korbinian Brodmann’s areas, the hierarchical and topographic organization of the brain, horizontal cell layers of the cortex, lateralization, cortical columns, the corticospinal […]