Webinar (1.5 CEs): Neuropsychological Application of the International Test Commission’s Guidelines for Translating and Adapting Tests
Webinar (1 CE): Disorders of Consciousness in Pediatrics: What We Know and A Blueprint for Future Considerations
Episode 148: Perioperative Cognitive Decline in Older Adults – A Conversation With Dr. Cate Price
Episode 146 | Persistent Symptoms After Concussion – A Conversation with Dr. Noah Silverberg
Episode 144 | Financial Decision Making in Older Adults – A Conversation With Dr. Duke Han
1 CE – Being an Upstander: The Whys and Hows
Episode 142 | Delirium – A Conversation With Dr. Kirk Stucky
In this episode, we discuss various aspects of delirium with Dr. Kirk Stucky. Topics covered include definitions and terminology, prevalence, risk factors, functional reserve, hypoactive and hyperactive presentations, pathophysiology, differential diagnosis with dementia, mental health symptoms, cognitive assessment, and prevention/intervention.
1 CE – A Novel Method to Longitudinally Track Infant and Toddler Developmental Status: PediaTrac
Episode 140 | Pediatric Neuropsychology – A Discussion With Dr. Jennifer Koop
This episode is a discussion with Dr. Jennifer Koop about pediatric neuropsychology. Topics covered include a brief history of the subspecialty of pediatric neuropsychology, the importance of involving neuropsychologists in the care of children, common practice settings for these neuropsychologists, contributions from developmental neuroscience and psychology, the transition from adolescence to adulthood, lifespan neuropsychology, and […]