Podcast Episode 162: Bilingualism and Brain Development in Children – A Conversation With Dr. Veronica Bordes Edgar [CE]
Podcast Episode 162: Bilingualism and Brain Development in Children – A Conversation With Dr. Veronica Bordes Edgar [Quiz]
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Podcast Episode 162: Bilingualism and Brain Development in Children – A Conversation With Dr. Veronica Bordes Edgar
This episode is a conversation about the neuropsychology of bilingualism, with a focus on children and the developing brain. We review concepts including language acquisition during fetal and early life development, sequential versus simultaneous bilingualism, L1 versus L2, BICS and CALP, cognitive effects of bilingualism (particularly executive functions), neuroanatomy and neuroimaging, and impact of SES on language development. We also cover clinically oriented topics related to conducting neuropsychological evaluations in bilingual children, such as assessing language proficiency prior to cognitive testing, effectively utilizing interpreters, normative data selection, report writing, feedback, and teleneuropsychology.
Podcast Episode 158: Intraoperative Brain Mapping – A Conversation With Drs. Vigneswaran Veeramuthu and Dave Sabsevitz [CE]
Podcast Episode 158: Intraoperative Brain Mapping – A Conversation With Drs. Vigneswaran Veeramuthu and Dave Sabsevitz [Quiz]
This content is restricted to those who paid for CEs. If you’ve already paid for CEs, please log in to access the CE form link.
Podcast Episode 158: Intraoperative Brain Mapping – A Conversation With Drs. Vigneswaran Veeramuthu and Dave Sabsevitz
This episode is a discussion with Drs. David Sabsevitz and Veeramuthu Vigneswaran about intraoperative brain mapping. We highlight topics such as the meaning and evolution of the term “eloquent cortex,” localized versus distributed models of brain functioning, aggressiveness versus conservatism of neurosurgeons during resections, the “onco-functional balance,” electrocorticography and stereo EEG procedures, the Wada procedure, the clinical and functional utility of brain mapping, the availability of brain mapping to people of lower SES, neuropsychologists’ role in educating patients and families, cognitive testing during the mapping procedure, and NeuroMapper.
Podcast Episode 154: Long COVID – A Conversation With Dr. Lucette Cysique [CE]
Podcast Episode 154: Long COVID – A Conversation With Dr. Lucette Cysique [Quiz]
This content is restricted to those who paid for CEs. If you’ve already paid for CEs, please log in to access the CE form link.
Podcast Episode 154: Long COVID – A Conversation With Dr. Lucette Cysique
This episode is a conversation with Dr. Lucette Cysique about long COVID. We discuss terminology, symptom profiles, epidemiology, biological mechanisms, psychological and sociocultural factors, overlap with chronic fatigue syndrome, overlap with functional neurological disorder, neuropsychological evaluations, and treatment recommendations.