2024 Global Meeting – In collaboration with ASSBI, FESN and SLAN
Porto, Portugal | July 3 – 5, 2024
Symposium Submission
INS Membership is not required for symposium proposal submission. However, you must be logged in to submit an abstract. If you are brand new to INS and have never logged in, you may create a guest account. INS members will receive discounts on meeting registration and CE fees (if annual dues are paid at the time of registration).
Symposia are topical platform sessions dealing with specific issues in clinical Symposia are submitted as integrated session proposals (each consisting of an overall proposal and 3-4 participating abstracts) that have been pre-organized by a single symposium chair. Symposium proposals that do not meet the criteria listed below will not be considered.
- A complete symposium proposal consists of an overall symposium proposal, plus four to five companion abstracts (submitted by the symposium chair or symposium participants).
- Symposium abstracts should be closely linked and integrated. Symposia are allotted approximately 90 minutes, so each participating abstract should be given approximately 15-20 minutes. Each symposium should include a review led by the symposium organizer or a discussant, as well as a dedicated question and answer period. In the case of a symposium that expresses divergent views on a controversial topic, two longer debate-style talks may also be appropriate.
- There is a maximum of five companion abstracts. Each companion abstract may have no more than 12 authors, and we encourage judicious assignment of authorship since each abstract represents a 15-20 minute portion.
- The symposium chair is solely responsible for submitting a complete symposium proposal as described.
Note: This form automatically saves your progress as you type. You may safely exit the page and return later to finish if needed. However, please note that draft submissions will not be reviewed. You must submit your final symposium proposal with all companion abstracts by the deadline.
This form closed to new submissions on Wednesday, February 28, 2024 at 11:59 PM PST.