INS NYC 2024 Program

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Poster Session 06 Program Schedule

04:00 pm - 05:15 pm
Room: Shubert Complex (Posters 1-60)

Poster Session 06: Aging | MCI | Neurodegenerative Disease - PART 2

Final Abstract #15

Poster Symposium: The Black American Neurodegenerative Discovery (BAND)- Together Initiative: Project Methods and Collaborator Perspectives for Launching Community-Engaged Research — Abstract 4

The BAND-Together Initiative: Perspective of a Community Research Collaborator

Denise Pitchford, Greater New Birth Church, Milwaukee, United States
Monica McDowell, Greater New Birth Church, Milwaukee, United States
Debra Jones, Greater New Birth Church, Milwaukee, United States

Category: Inclusion and Diversity/Multiculturalism

Keyword 1: diversity
Keyword 2: inclusion
Keyword 3: dementia - Alzheimer's disease


Community partnerships make it achievable for academic institutions to engage with the community in significant ways. To foster secure, sustainable partnerships and outcomes, it is fundamental that the community partners and participants are heard, respected, and included during research by academic institutions. This presentation will highlight the process of the development of a collaboration between an academic institution and an inner city African American faith-based congregation for the purpose of community education, engagement, and research. BAND-Together was intentional about identifying a co-investigator and other church staff within the congregation with first-hand experience of being caregivers for parents with dementia. This process was one of most vital steps in creating an environment of trust for community participants who were able to connect with those with like experiences. Community partners were instrumental in developing the research structure, assisting with information presentations, facilitating focus groups, building and collaborating with BAND-Together CAB members, research recruitment, and collaborating on subsequent study proposals. The outcome is structure that has a continuing growing group of individuals who continue to participate in sessions for both preventative, resource access, health care, and knowledge building information. Our synergistic BAND-Together investigative and key stakeholder team are preparing to collaborative engage with health care leadership to work toward reducing health care disparities.

Participants and Methods:

not applicable


not applicable


not applicable